Steam cleaning of shoes and accessories
Steam cleaning of air conditioners
The Most Comprehensive Range for Cleaning Laundries, Ironing Rooms, and Shoe Shops. At Bieffe Farinelli, we offer machines designed to simplify the cleaning of spaces such as laundries and ironing rooms, as well as machines to provide a complete service to your customers, such as our Scarpavapor for professional cleaning of shoes and accessories. Steam enables the cleaning and sanitizing of machines, spaces, and hard-to-reach corners, effortlessly removing even the toughest dirt. Discover our solutions here!
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Bieffe srl Unipersonale
Via Costa Fagnano, 3 – 61122 Pesaro ITALY
Tel. +39 0721 281857 Fax +39 0721 281880
E-mail: [email protected]
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It’s an assessment stating how easy a product/machinery is to repair. Conceived to promote greater sustainability, such index assigns a rating from 1 to 10 based on criteria given from the manual intructions availability, how easy the machines are to disassemble, the price of the spare parts and their availability.
It is mainly used for electronical devices and electrical appliances, motivating the consumers in choosing more durable machines, easier to repair, reducing waste and extending the lifetime the appliances.